La Cirugíaía Bariátrica y Metabólica es un conjunto de procedimientos quirúrgicos, destinados a la disminución de peso y en algunos casos remisión de enfermedades crónico-degenerativas como lo son la diabetes e hipertensión. El objetivo base del procedimiento es disminuir el aporte energético y la formación de grasa corporal, estimular el metabolismo para el consumo de la grasa o tejido adiposo corporal que se encuentra debajo de la piel y en órganos como el hígado, corazón, intestinos etc. Esto se logra bajo dos principios básicos dependiendo de la Cirugía seleccionada, el primero es la de limitar el volumen de las comidas y aporte calórico, disminuir el apetito bajo una acción hormonal; y el segundo es un complejo mecanismo de regulación de absorción de alimentos, con efecto hormonal y liberación de sustancias que mejoran los mecanismos metabólicos que nos ayudan a regular e incluso remitir enfermedades propiciadas por el colesterol, triglicéridos, disminuyendo el riesgo cardiovascular y otras enfermedades.
Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery is a set of surgical procedures, aimed at reducing weight and in some cases remission of chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.
The objective The basis of the procedure is to reduce the energy intake and the formation of body fat, stimulate the metabolism for the consumption of body fat or adipose tissue found under the skin and in organs such as the liver, heart, intestines, etc. This is achieved under two basic principles depending on the surgery selected, the first is to limit the volume of meals and caloric intake, decrease the appetite under hormonal action; and the second is a complex mechanism of regulation of food absorption, with hormonal effect and release of substances that improve metabolic mechanisms that help us to regulate and even remit diseases caused by cholesterol, triglycerides, reducing cardiovascular risk and other diseases.
Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery operations in many countries of the world, and consists of the extraction of the fat that is under the skin, using cannulas and aspiration.
This surgery should only be indicated in those patients who have a body mass index less than 30 Kg / m2, that is, only with overweight, which is a body mass index between BMI = 25 to 30 kg / m2. The formula to calculate the Body Mass Index is ( (weight in lbs /2.2) / (Height cm x Height cm)
In patients with overweight or normal weight, the indication for liposuction is to model the body in places of fat distribution where the or the patients are not satisfied, but the fat or adipose tissue in other internal organs remains, if this volume of fat is increased it can lead to a high risk cardiovascular.
On the other hand, Liposuction does not guarantee permanent weight loss, recent studies at the University of Denver, Colorado, by Doctors Teri Hernández and Robert Eckel, published in the journal "Obesity (2011)", reveal that patients subjected to liposuction regain the lost weight and redistribute it in the upper part of their body, the patients maintained stylized areas where liposuction was performed but they gained weight at the level of the arms, trunk and upper abdomen.
This is easily explained since the food intake was not limited, and it seems that the body will reclaim the fat extracted during liposuction and accumulate in other parts of the body.
Bariatric surgery has several options and indications, the common ones are:
Intragastric balloon is currently only indicated for temporarily reducing weight to improve the condition of patients with high body mass indexes and to be taken to surgery since it can only remain in the balloon in the stomach for a maximum of six months.
Gastric Band, currently in disuse, indicated in patients with low body mass indexes, has a device that adjusts the band with liquid under the skin. Its disadvantage is that it can erode the stomach, and it has no hormonal effect to suppress the appetite.
Gastric Plication (see) , Like the Gastric Band it has a restrictive effect, but it does not reduce the hormonal effect, and the patient remains with appetite, with very few studies on its effects and even without studies long-term for your results.
Gastric Sleeve (see) , It is currently one of the most performed surgeries with body mass indices ranging from BMI = 30 to 50 kg / m2, with excellent results, with a low index of complications, has a restrictive effect on food intake and a hormonal effect by decreasing the hormone Grhelina, the patient does not have anxiety about eating, adequate weight loss. And it has excellent results in pre-diabetic patients, with insulin resistance, fatty liver, or with mild hypertension, in the remission of their disease.
Gastric By Pass (see) , is a more complex surgery, currently we only recommend it in patients with a Body Mass Index greater than 45 or who have some other comorbidity such as Diabetes or Hypertension that is difficult to control. This surgery works in three ways, Restrictive by limiting food intake, Restricted Absorption by reducing the amount of intestine that is responsible for absorbing food by half, and Hormonal by mitigating the appetite by decreasing the Hormone Hormone.