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Doctor Luis Javier Cárdenas

Medical Director of Obesity Panama

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Medical studies course in Panama, specializing in Mexico and training in several countries, is Certificate by committee on trauma of American College of Surgeons (Certified by the committee on trauma of the American College of Surgeons), is a member of several entities at the International level.

He exercises the Medical Direction of the Center for Gastrointestinal Diseases, focuses mainly on the application of methods for the reduction of Diabetes and Obesity.

His investigations and their application have had an impact on the improvement and definitive solution of hundreds of patients in recent years.

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During an extensive trajectory and vast experience in Obesity and Metabolism issues, we have perfected the techniques to achieve the desired results in a scientific framework and a Humanized specialty.

We will deal with topics of great interest such as Diabetes and its Solutions, Obesity, Obesity and Metabolic Surgery.

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