Adelgazar Mediante un Balón Intragástrico Ajustable
Por el Doctor Luis Javier Cárdenas H.
Director Médico
Gastroesophageal reflux is a condition that most individuals have suffered at least once in their lives, especially after a copious intake of fats, irritants and alcohol, however, which is not normal and defines it as a disease, It is to suffer it frequently at least once a week, which affects your daily life, work, sleep and your relationship with your partner.
The patient suffering from gastroesophageal reflux is characterized by having the sensation that food together with gastric acid is returning to the throat through the esophagus, with irritation of the pharynx and esophagus, which can additionally cause spasms and burning pain.
Other symptoms can accompany the reflux is the presence of repetitive cough that seems incurable (thinking that it is a chronic cold with many visits to the doctor and without improvement) is the result of nocturnal reflux when we sleep; The burning in the chest behind the sternum is another symptom that irritates the esophagus so much that the patient can feel the passage of food when he eats, due to the degree of inflammation.
Whether the symptoms are mild or intense, this entity has treatment that ranges from taking medications to surgery.
El balón gástrico ajustable se inserta durante un procedimiento ambulatorio no invasivo de 45 minutos. No se requieren incisiones ni hospitalización. Es un procedimiento de pérdida de peso que no requiere el ingreso hospitalario del paciente.
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The origin of this symptomatology is given by several mechanisms, the main one being the lack of closure of a valve that is between the stomach and the esophagus, which is called the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing the passage of acid to the esophagus.
Other factors may be involved that favor reflux such as Hiatal Hernia that allows part of the stomach to slide into the thorax, Obesity which increases intra-abdominal pressure favoring reflux, esophageal motility disorders altering the mechanism of propulsion of food Finally, the presence of Helicobacter Pylori (bacteria that can inflame the Gastric mucosa and promote the secretion of acid) influencing the sphincter mechanism.
Gastro-esophageal reflux is one of the most frequent causes - along with gastritis - of consultation in gastroenterology. Initially it is treated with antacids and changes in eating habits, but if, despite this drug treatment for 6 weeks, the symptoms persist or return, the next step is to perform an endoscopy, in addition to a pH measurement, a Manometry, and more recently Pepsinogen saliva test to define the causal diagnosis of the disease.
Una vez el balón está colocado en el cuerpo, la solución salina de la que está lleno ocupará aproximadamente un tercio de la cavidad estomacal. Esto provoca que se reduzca la cantidad de alimentos que el estómago puede contener. La presencia del balón también obstaculiza el vaciado del estómago, por lo que los alimentos permanecen en él durante más tiempo. En conjunto, estos efectos ayudan a que se consuma una menor cantidad de alimentos.
The origin of this symptomatology is given by several mechanisms, the main one being the lack of closure of a valve that is between the stomach and the esophagus, which is called the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing the passage of acid to the esophagus.
Other factors may be involved that favor reflux such as Hiatal Hernia that allows part of the stomach to slide into the thorax, Obesity which increases intra-abdominal pressure favoring reflux, esophageal motility disorders altering the mechanism of propulsion of food Finally, the presence of Helicobacter Pylori (bacteria that can inflame the Gastric mucosa and promote the secretion of acid) influencing the sphincter mechanism.
Gastro-esophageal reflux is one of the most frequent causes - along with gastritis - of consultation in gastroenterology. Initially it is treated with antacids and changes in eating habits, but if, despite this drug treatment for 6 weeks, the symptoms persist or return, the next step is to perform an endoscopy, in addition to a pH measurement, a Manometry, and more recently Pepsinogen saliva test to define the causal diagnosis of the disease.
Es muy poco probable y según literatura se registra un 0.08% de casos a nivel global, para prevenir este tema, colocaremos un líquido azul en el interior del balón, de modo que si este tiene una fuga el líquido azul saldrá y hará que la orina sea de color verde. Si esto ocurre, debe avisar a su médico de inmediato.
The origin of this symptomatology is given by several mechanisms, the main one being the lack of closure of a valve that is between the stomach and the esophagus, which is called the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing the passage of acid to the esophagus.
Other factors may be involved that favor reflux such as Hiatal Hernia that allows part of the stomach to slide into the thorax, Obesity which increases intra-abdominal pressure favoring reflux, esophageal motility disorders altering the mechanism of propulsion of food Finally, the presence of Helicobacter Pylori (bacteria that can inflame the Gastric mucosa and promote the secretion of acid) influencing the sphincter mechanism.
Gastro-esophageal reflux is one of the most frequent causes - along with gastritis - of consultation in gastroenterology. Initially it is treated with antacids and changes in eating habits, but if, despite this drug treatment for 6 weeks, the symptoms persist or return, the next step is to perform an endoscopy, in addition to a pH measurement, a Manometry, and more recently Pepsinogen saliva test to define the causal diagnosis of the disease.
Nuestro programa está basado en el seguimiento continuo del paciente, este lo realizaremos a través de distintos elementos con aplicaciones incluidas que nos permitirá un monitoreo frecuente a todo el equipo médico y de fitness. Todos los productos están incluidos dentro de la inversión que realizara. De todas formas, tendremos citas presenciales con el equipo médico, la nutricionista y el coach de entrenamiento
The origin of this symptomatology is given by several mechanisms, the main one being the lack of closure of a valve that is between the stomach and the esophagus, which is called the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing the passage of acid to the esophagus.
Other factors may be involved that favor reflux such as Hiatal Hernia that allows part of the stomach to slide into the thorax, Obesity which increases intra-abdominal pressure favoring reflux, esophageal motility disorders altering the mechanism of propulsion of food Finally, the presence of Helicobacter Pylori (bacteria that can inflame the Gastric mucosa and promote the secretion of acid) influencing the sphincter mechanism.
Gastro-esophageal reflux is one of the most frequent causes - along with gastritis - of consultation in gastroenterology. Initially it is treated with antacids and changes in eating habits, but if, despite this drug treatment for 6 weeks, the symptoms persist or return, the next step is to perform an endoscopy, in addition to a pH measurement, a Manometry, and more recently Pepsinogen saliva test to define the causal diagnosis of the disease.
El balón presenta las siguientes ventajas: 1) Es ajustable, lo que significa que es dinámico y su volumen puede modificarse según lo necesite. 2) Está aprobado para tener un mayor tiempo de implantación que otros productos del mercado. Es el primer balón que cuenta con estas dos ventajas. Si se deja un balón en el estómago durante un periodo más largo y no se cambia su volumen, es probable que no se pierda más peso. Un periodo de implantación más largo también le proporciona más tiempo para modificar su comportamiento, lo que a su vez permite alcanzar cambios de conducta más duraderos.
The origin of this symptomatology is given by several mechanisms, the main one being the lack of closure of a valve that is between the stomach and the esophagus, which is called the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing the passage of acid to the esophagus.
Other factors may be involved that favor reflux such as Hiatal Hernia that allows part of the stomach to slide into the thorax, Obesity which increases intra-abdominal pressure favoring reflux, esophageal motility disorders altering the mechanism of propulsion of food Finally, the presence of Helicobacter Pylori (bacteria that can inflame the Gastric mucosa and promote the secretion of acid) influencing the sphincter mechanism.
Gastro-esophageal reflux is one of the most frequent causes - along with gastritis - of consultation in gastroenterology. Initially it is treated with antacids and changes in eating habits, but if, despite this drug treatment for 6 weeks, the symptoms persist or return, the next step is to perform an endoscopy, in addition to a pH measurement, a Manometry, and more recently Pepsinogen saliva test to define the causal diagnosis of the disease.
Es de suma importancia entender que el balón gástrico es una herramienta de ayuda para perder peso y que debe emplearse junto con una dieta planificada, ejercicio y un programa de modificación de comportamiento. La cantidad de peso que pierda (y mantenga) dependerá del rigor con el que siga de la dieta y de los cambios a largo plazo que haya realizado en su estilo de vida. La media de peso perdido que se ha verificado en nuestros pacientes va desde el 12 a 21% y en algunos casos se ha logrado el 23%. leer casos excepcionales
The origin of this symptomatology is given by several mechanisms, the main one being the lack of closure of a valve that is between the stomach and the esophagus, which is called the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing the passage of acid to the esophagus.
Other factors may be involved that favor reflux such as Hiatal Hernia that allows part of the stomach to slide into the thorax, Obesity which increases intra-abdominal pressure favoring reflux, esophageal motility disorders altering the mechanism of propulsion of food Finally, the presence of Helicobacter Pylori (bacteria that can inflame the Gastric mucosa and promote the secretion of acid) influencing the sphincter mechanism.
Gastro-esophageal reflux is one of the most frequent causes - along with gastritis - of consultation in gastroenterology. Initially it is treated with antacids and changes in eating habits, but if, despite this drug treatment for 6 weeks, the symptoms persist or return, the next step is to perform an endoscopy, in addition to a pH measurement, a Manometry, and more recently Pepsinogen saliva test to define the causal diagnosis of the disease.
El balón gástrico está diseñado para ayudar a aquellos individuos con un IMC superior a 27 y se recomienda que sea superior a 37. También se puede utilizar con personas que no sean aptas o tengan miedo de someterse a una cirugía de pérdida de peso (cirugía bariátrica como el bypass gástrico, la gastrectomía vertical, la cirugía de ligadura, entre otras). El uso del balón puede ayudar a reducir el peso antes de cualquier cirugía, reduciendo así los riesgos asociados a los procedimientos quirúrgicos. El balón gástrico es la perfecta alternativa no invasiva a las cirugías bariátricas.
The origin of this symptomatology is given by several mechanisms, the main one being the lack of closure of a valve that is between the stomach and the esophagus, which is called the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing the passage of acid to the esophagus.
Other factors may be involved that favor reflux such as Hiatal Hernia that allows part of the stomach to slide into the thorax, Obesity which increases intra-abdominal pressure favoring reflux, esophageal motility disorders altering the mechanism of propulsion of food Finally, the presence of Helicobacter Pylori (bacteria that can inflame the Gastric mucosa and promote the secretion of acid) influencing the sphincter mechanism.
Gastro-esophageal reflux is one of the most frequent causes - along with gastritis - of consultation in gastroenterology. Initially it is treated with antacids and changes in eating habits, but if, despite this drug treatment for 6 weeks, the symptoms persist or return, the next step is to perform an endoscopy, in addition to a pH measurement, a Manometry, and more recently Pepsinogen saliva test to define the causal diagnosis of the disease.
Es muy probable que la presencia del balón en el estómago provoque náuseas, vómitos o dolor abdominal de mayor o menor intensidad durante los días posteriores a su colocación. Le recetaremos medicamentos para minimizar estos posibles efectos, no obstante, puede que permanezcan durante la primera semana. Después de la primera semana y una vez haya empezado a comer con regularidad, los efectos secundarios estarán relacionados con las cantidades o los tipos de alimentos que ingiera. Puede experimentar hinchazón, eructos, dolor, náuseas, vómitos o ardor de estómago si tiene una alimentación incorrecta. Pero si sigue el plan que estableceremos para su dieta no ocurrirán efectos mencionados
The origin of this symptomatology is given by several mechanisms, the main one being the lack of closure of a valve that is between the stomach and the esophagus, which is called the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing the passage of acid to the esophagus.
Other factors may be involved that favor reflux such as Hiatal Hernia that allows part of the stomach to slide into the thorax, Obesity which increases intra-abdominal pressure favoring reflux, esophageal motility disorders altering the mechanism of propulsion of food Finally, the presence of Helicobacter Pylori (bacteria that can inflame the Gastric mucosa and promote the secretion of acid) influencing the sphincter mechanism.
Gastro-esophageal reflux is one of the most frequent causes - along with gastritis - of consultation in gastroenterology. Initially it is treated with antacids and changes in eating habits, but if, despite this drug treatment for 6 weeks, the symptoms persist or return, the next step is to perform an endoscopy, in addition to a pH measurement, a Manometry, and more recently Pepsinogen saliva test to define the causal diagnosis of the disease.
El balón gástrico puede permanecer en el estómago durante doce meses. Mientras tenga el balón, y en caso de salir a viajes prolongados, es muy posible recetemos medicación oral para reducir la acidez de estómago (esto puede disminuir la posibilidad de que se produzca irritación estomacal y de dañar el balón).
The origin of this symptomatology is given by several mechanisms, the main one being the lack of closure of a valve that is between the stomach and the esophagus, which is called the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing the passage of acid to the esophagus.
Other factors may be involved that favor reflux such as Hiatal Hernia that allows part of the stomach to slide into the thorax, Obesity which increases intra-abdominal pressure favoring reflux, esophageal motility disorders altering the mechanism of propulsion of food Finally, the presence of Helicobacter Pylori (bacteria that can inflame the Gastric mucosa and promote the secretion of acid) influencing the sphincter mechanism.
Gastro-esophageal reflux is one of the most frequent causes - along with gastritis - of consultation in gastroenterology. Initially it is treated with antacids and changes in eating habits, but if, despite this drug treatment for 6 weeks, the symptoms persist or return, the next step is to perform an endoscopy, in addition to a pH measurement, a Manometry, and more recently Pepsinogen saliva test to define the causal diagnosis of the disease.
Tendrá molestias durante los primeros días posteriores al procedimiento. A partir de ese momento, el balón gástrico le puede causar cualquiera de los siguientes síntomas: sensación de saciedad, pesadez, hinchazón o absolutamente nada hasta que coma más de lo debido. El secreto de no tener síntomas molestos radica en cumplir estrictamente el programa