¿Tendré Reflujo?
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El reflujo gastroesofágico es una condición que la mayoría de los individuos han sufrido por lo menos una ves en la vida, sobretodo después de una ingesta copiosa en grasas, irritantes y alcohol, sin embargo, lo que no es normal y la define como enfermedad, es padecerlo en forma frecuente al menos una ves a la semana, que afecte su vida cotidiana, el trabajo, el sueño y la relación de pareja.
Gastroesophageal reflux is a condition that most individuals have suffered at least once in their lives, especially after a copious intake of fats, irritants and alcohol, however, which is not normal and defines it as a disease, It is to suffer it frequently at least once a week, which affects your daily life, work, sleep and your relationship with your partner.
The patient suffering from gastroesophageal reflux is characterized by having the sensation that food together with gastric acid is returning to the throat through the esophagus, with irritation of the pharynx and esophagus, which can additionally cause spasms and burning pain.
Other symptoms can accompany the reflux is the presence of repetitive cough that seems incurable (thinking that it is a chronic cold with many visits to the doctor and without improvement) is the result of nocturnal reflux when we sleep; The burning in the chest behind the sternum is another symptom that irritates the esophagus so much that the patient can feel the passage of food when he eats, due to the degree of inflammation.
Whether the symptoms are mild or intense, this entity has treatment that ranges from taking medications to surgery.
Otros síntomas
Pueden acompañar al reflujo es la presencia de tos repetitiva que parece incurable (pensando que es un resfriado crónico con muchas visitas al médico y sin mejoría) es resultado del reflujo nocturno cuando dormimos; el ardor en el pecho atrás del esternón es otro síntoma que llega a irritar tanto el esófago que el paciente puede sentir el paso de los alimentos cuando come, por el grado de inflamación.
Ya sean leves o intensos los síntomas esta entidad tiene tratamiento que va desde la ingesta de medicamentos hasta la cirugía.
The origin of this symptomatology is given by several mechanisms, the main one being the lack of closure of a valve that is between the stomach and the esophagus, which is called the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing the passage of acid to the esophagus.
Other factors may be involved that favor reflux such as Hiatal Hernia that allows part of the stomach to slide into the thorax, Obesity which increases intra-abdominal pressure favoring reflux, esophageal motility disorders altering the mechanism of propulsion of food Finally, the presence of Helicobacter Pylori (bacteria that can inflame the Gastric mucosa and promote the secretion of acid) influencing the sphincter mechanism.
Gastro-esophageal reflux is one of the most frequent causes - along with gastritis - of consultation in gastroenterology. Initially it is treated with antacids and changes in eating habits, but if, despite this drug treatment for 6 weeks, the symptoms persist or return, the next step is to perform an endoscopy, in addition to a pH measurement, a Manometry, and more recently Pepsinogen saliva test to define the causal diagnosis of the disease.
If we corroborate a condition in the pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter, or the presence of Hiatal hernia, or a pH test that shows the persistence of reflux, or all together, the patient is a candidate for an anti-reflux surgery, (Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication) which basically consists of redoing the lost valve between the esophagus and the stomach, using the upper part of the stomach to wrap the esophagus and that when it fills with gas, do the valve function.
It is a Laparoscopic surgery, lasting two hours, and one day of hospitalization, with the possibility of drinking liquids the same day of surgery.
Nowadays, It is also feasible to perform this surgery by single-port laparoscopic modality that involves performing the procedure through a single incision, with no visible scars.
The risk of continuing chronic intake for prolonged periods of more than a year of potent antacids , can condition liver alterations (such as liver failure) and at the level of the kidneys (chronic renal failure), for which it is not recommended the consumption of these medications for a long time
The other important situation for which we recommend surgery is due to the risk of developing Barrett's esophagus, which is a pre-malignant lesion of the esophagus (esophageal mucosal dysplasia) that can turn into Esophageal Cancer, the result of a mucosa esophageal not able to withstand acid coupled with constant irritation is It produces desquamation of the cells of the esophageal mucosa that have to be replaced until a failure in the mechanism occurs and they become malignant.
So today it is possible to cure reflux persistent surgery and avoid esophageal damage, which can progress to a pre-malignant or malignant lesion.
El riesgo de continuar la ingesta en forma crónica por periodos prolongados superior al año de anti ácidos potentes , puede condicionar alteraciones del Hígado (como la insuficiencia Hepática) y a nivel de los riñones (insuficiencia renal crónica), por lo cual no es recomendable el consumo de éstos medicamentos por tiempo prolongado
La otra situación de importancia por lo cual recomendamos la cirugía, es por el riesgo de desarrollar Esófago de Barrett que es una lesión pre maligna del esófago (displasia de la mucosa esofágica) que se puede convertir en Cáncer de Esófago, la resultante de una mucosa esofágica no apta para soportar el ácido aunado a la irritación constante se produce descamación de las células de la mucosa esofágica que tienen que ser remplazadas hasta que ocurre un fallo en el mecanismo y las mismas se transforman en malignas.
Así que hoy por hoy es posible curar el reflujo persistente mediante cirugía y evitar daños esofágicos, que pueden avanzar hasta una lesión pre maligna o maligna.