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Post Surgical Follow-up
Medical technology

Valoración otorgada por 3047 personas en los últimos 30 días a través de buscadores y redes sociales

Los beneficios que describimos a continuación nos permite que su inversión sea hasta un 40% menos que en cualquier otro lugar en Panamá, de esta manera estamos en los rangos de precios internacionales, lea detenidamente…

Uno de los factores principales que elevan los precios en todo tipo de cirugía es el alto costo en los insumos, el hospital intermediario que por tener disposiciones los insumos  deben pasar por hasta 2 intermediarios antes de llegar al uso del profesional, también existen otros factores. Con el fin de estar dentro de los estándares internacionales de precios, beneficiar al paciente y prevenir males mayores por falta de seguimiento al paciente que se atiende en el exterior para reducir costos, hemos tomado una serie de medidas que nos permiten reducir los precios hasta en un 40% de lo habitual en el mercado.

One of the main factors that raise prices in all types of surgery is the high cost of supplies, the intermediary hospital having provisions for supplies  They must go through up to 2 intermediaries before reaching the professional use, there are also other factors.

In order to be within international price standards, benefit the patient and prevent greater evils due to lack of follow-up to the patient who is cared for abroad to reduce costs, we have taken a series of measures that allow us to reduce prices by up to 40% of what is usual in the market.

As a first measure, the Centro Médico Quirúrgico Obesidad Panamá, together with its sister company Centro de Diseases Gastrointestinal, acquired the supplies directly from the manufacturer,   which allows us to at least eliminate an intermediary and reduce costs.

By making certain strategic alliances that allow us to have all the necessary infrastructure and technology, we can continue to reduce costs. Providing our patients with first-line facilities, enabled and in compliance with strict safety and hygiene protocols,  rooms for hospitalization with private bathroom  and comfort for companion, area for Endoscopic and Laparoscopic studies with the latest generation of equipment, laboratory, and other needs that reduce the usual costs

Facilities located in Panama and La Chorrera.

costos altos


Care offices

In our usual directions,  Panama Obesity Center Office on the 3rd floor of the National Medical Center (Tuesday and Thursday) , Clinica Panamericana La Chorrera (Wednesday and Friday) , Clinica San Lucas La Chorrera (Wednesday).


Endoscopy and Colonoscopy, this also allows us to reduce costs for your need. More Information about Studies Here  

Operating room

Operating room equipped with the highest technology, our multidisciplinary team and the appropriate surgical facilities that place it within the highest international standards for surgeries of all kinds


Waiting room

In both directions we have the necessary comfort for the companions to wait for the medical report after the event

Private room

The stay of each patient is guaranteed in private rooms with all the necessary technology for their recovery and qualified personnel 24 hours a day for their care, with medical control rounds. It has a private bathroom, TV with cable system, telephone with an external line, and amenities for a companion. Your stay is 100% guaranteed


Post Surgical Follow-up

A team led by  Doctor Luis Javier Cárdenas and composed of nutritionists, specialized doctors and even Plastic Surgeon for the cases that require.


This and other amenities allow us to reduce the expenses of your surgical need by 40%

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Cuarto Privado

La estancia de cada paciente esta garantizada en cuartos privados con toda la tecnología necesaria para su recuperación y personal calificado las 24 horas para su atención, con rondas médicas de control. Cuenta con baño privado, Tv con sistema de cable, teléfono con línea externa, y comodidades para acompañante. Su estancia está 100% garantizada


Seguimiento Post Quirúrgico

Un equipo liderado por el  Doctor Luis Javier Cárdenas y compuesto por nutricionistas, médicos especializados e inclusive Cirujano Plástico para los casos que requieran.


Esto y otras comodidades nos permiten reducir en un 40% los gastos de su necesidad quirúrgica



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